JELI’s Newsletter July 2022

We’ve arrived in July! there’s always plenty of the most recent updates where you will find interesting, informative, and lots more about our efforts to thoroughly promote recognition of workers’ rights including work-related conference and seminar participations. Join JELI to explore our unique activities!

Important News

Deliveroo found guilty of abusing riders’ rights in France

Former riders have sued Deliveroo for alleged abuse of their freelance status and claim the company should have hired them as employees.With reference to Reuters, the French court found Deliveroo guilty for abusing “freelance riders” by unilaterally setting working conditions and changing the working criteria. The French court ruled in April 2022 that Deliveroo’s riders were qualified as employees, not freelancers.

Partner ?! and what next ? : New Forms of Platform Mediated Work for On-demand Food Delivery

The video was brought to you by JELI X Way magazine and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thailand (FES). We produced and shared a content-based video retrieval using JELI’s research findings, “New Forms of Platform Mediated Work for On-demand Food Delivery”. The video shows the commonality and differences in working conditions, and challenges faced by platform workers.

Enjoy the video in all episodes:


Explore more about the research:


Upcoming Project

JELI is honorably selected for a short-term project funding “The strengthening of decent work and fair working conditions in gig economy through platform labor movements in alliance with media organizations and trade unions”

by Social Activist for Health Justice Association. This project is expected to start next month, aiming to encourage platform-based workers, in particular food delivery riders, and care workers to come up with their own advocacy campaigns. On top of that this project is indispensable complement to another JELI’s ongoing project, “Global Labor Program – Platform for Organizing by Workers for Empowerment and Recognition (GLP-POWER)”

Updates on GLP-POWER

A baseline survey of platform and tourism workers in the gig economy has come to an end! Beyond our expectations, our survey achieves higher 100% response rate or at minimum 500 survey responses. Moving forward, key findings will be disseminated with the focus on what are the current commonality and differences in working conditions, challenges, demands among the gig workers across sectors, specific character of the situations faced by organizing gig workers as well as existing forms of informal or gig workers’ labor organizing in Thailand. On top of that advocacy activity and campaign-based research findings will soon be kicked off with the aim of enhancing revitalized labor movements. Please stay tuned for more insight and predominant discovery!

News from our partners and network

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS : Residential Institute on Frontiers and Frames for a New Digitallity

IT for Change invites applications for a five-day residential institute on Frontiers and Frames for a New Digitality. This is an intense and immersive learning platform that will introduce participants to the political economy of the digital and offer an overview of critical trends, developments and debates.

Selected participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about, critically examine and take stock of unfolding trends in the political economy and impact of platformization.
  • Acquire the necessary vocabulary and tools to appropriately frame and approach emerging digital intersections with their work, make relevant connections and chart solutions and intervention pathways for effective political organization.
  • Be part of an ongoing community of activist-scholars, development professionals and researchers from the Global South.

Apply by 10th Aug…/1FAIpQLSfu2JvhgQkLaP…/viewform

Workshop and Seminars

Seminar: The energy transition and justice for labors

Chonthita Kraisrikul, Knowledge Management Officer at JELI, together with the representatives from Union labors who have been working in the energy field, automotive industry and riders, participated in the seminar “The Energy Transitional and Justice for Labors” organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thailand (FES) in Bangkok. In this event, Chonthita played an important role in sharing knowledge and experiences with the discussion forum concerning the most urgent matters of labors requiring immediate actions in the energy transition.

Seminar: Icon of Gender Justice in Asia Seminar

Attending the one-day seminar ‘Icon of Gender Justice in Asia’ organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thailand (FES) at Neilson Hays Library. JELI played a part in building healthy relationships among women human rights defenders and gender equality influencers at national level and exchanging experiences with a focus on “The participation of women in building justice for society”.JELI participated in the seminar ‘Icon of Gender Justice in Asia’ organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thailand (FES) at Neilson Hays Library with other national human rights defenders on the topic of “The participation of women in building justice for society”.