Happy New Year 2023: We invite our readers to look back at JELI’s past activities organized in December 2022
The year 2022 was behind us! In the last month of 2022, JELI and partners offered a series of training including technological training, “Introducing the CONNECT application developed by the GLP-POWER Project, digital well-being workshop, and campaign design workshop. Between 11 – 13 December 2022, 28 riders from across Thailand learned about labor rights issues, and technological and technical tools necessary for running campaigns, as well as joined the digital and physical well-being workshops to navigate their inner emotion and settle it with peace.
The other two activities that JELI representatives participated in were “Examining Forms of Collective Bargaining Power of Food Delivery Platform Workers and Transportation Workers” organized by the Local Development Foundation (LDF). Dr. Kriangsak Teerakowitkajorn, JELI Director, was invited to share his insights on what “power” means and its implications in determining the direction of the advocacy campaign.
The last activity was the event “Labor = People: Migrant Workers Are Not Others” organized by the Northern Labor Network Group at Tha Phae Gate, Chiang Mai Province, to celebrate International Migrant Labor Day. JELI’s officers visited the site to broadcasted the event live on the Facebook page.
Highlighted News
Northern Labor Network Group: “Labor = People: Migrant Workers Are Not Others”

18 December 2022 – At the activity area, Tha Phae Gate, Chiang Mai Province, the Northern Labor Network Group organized the event “Labor = People: Migrant Workers Are not Others” to celebrate International Migrant Labor Day. The event was held between 6:00 and 8:30 PM, with various activities ranging from music performances, reflections on the life and experiences of migrant workers, and a fashion show depicting the history of migrant labor in Thailand.
Workshops and Seminars in December
Examining Forms of Collective Bargaining Power of Food Delivery Platform Workers and Transportation Workers

2 December 2022 – At the conference room of the Association of National Service Providers of Thailand – Bangkok, the Local Development Foundation (LDF), with financial support from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, hosted the operational research as a part of “Developing knowledge and strengthening the capacity of informal workers to promote health and well-being” project.
This research workshop aimed to equip female platform riders with basic know-how on campaigning. The workshop was joined by JELI representative Dr. Kriangsak Teerakowitkajorn, Director, who gave a brief lecture on the meaning of “Power” as a tool that riders use to identify key stakeholders and build their campaigns.
Workshops and training on the use of CONNECT application, digital and physical well-being, and Campaigning

11 – 13 December 2022 – At the Ratchanee Jamjaras Conference Center in Bangkok, Just Economy and Labor Institute (#JELI) in collaboration with USAID (US Agency for International Development), PRAGYA, and Solidar Suisse hosted 3 days workshop on the use of technology – trial application from the GLP-POWER project, a new mediator in connecting Thai workers with those of international, and workshops to reinforce inner positive power and boost the motivation of platform riders.
Day 1: 11 December 2022
At 1:30 p.m., the first day began with opening remarks by Dr. Kriangsak Teerakowitkajorn, Director, who outlined the overview of the 3-day activities. The afternoon focused on building capacity, allowing participants to navigate their power within and turning it into collective power. The workshop was led by art and creation-based Makampom group. Riders were encouraged to get to know each other through group-building activities, with an emphasis on art and effective listening.
The day ended with the recreational event “Cultural Night” where platform riders from all over Thailand were invited to perform and showcase their talents. Apart from musical performance, some participants from various locations used the stage as an opportunity to share their personal experiences and stories about the work conditions. JELI staff also performed a short play. The overall atmosphere was delightful.
Day 2: 12 December 2022
The first activity began at 9:00 a.m. The facilitators invited participants to stretch their bodies, preparing themselves for the rest of the day. Next was the documentary show (produced by JELI and funded by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation), showing the formation of platform riders’ associations in various countries. Participants were then encouraged to share and exchange their ideas with fellow riders. Before a break, a training session on the use of the CONNECT application, a new tool for uniting workers from around the world and providing information on labor rights and campaign strategies (developed under the sponsorship of USAID), was introduced.
The afternoon workshop was facilitated by Baan Fuen, a well-being and healing group. They led a workshop on digital well-being, guiding participants with emotional tools which they can use to navigate both the positive and negative consequences of using digital devices. The facilitators also provided knowledge on self-holistic well-being assessment as well as an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas for self-remedies. In addition to the main activities, the day ended with one rider proposing that they all should mourn in silence following the death of one rider due to an accident the night before.
Day 3: 13 December 2022
Dr. Kriangsak and Mr. Woradul Tularak, an independent researcher, led activities on the last day. The first session was an open forum for participants to reflect on what they have learned during the past few days of training and workshop. The key knowledge to be learned today covered power mapping analysis and campaign design. After a brief group discussion, participants agreed that there were 2 problems related to working conditions that they wanted to work on immediately: occupational health and safety and the participation of riders in decision-making with the platform company.
The afternoon session provided a conceptual tool on “power” – means and its implication affecting the direction of right-based advocacy. Participants then had to identify whom they wanted to communicate with during their campaign so that their goals would be succeeded. In the last workshop, participants were put into groups to work together on their advocacy tactics and discuss their aims of communication. The 3 days-long training and workshop concluded with each of the team’s presentations.