Happy labor month! Let’s celebrate the time of solidarity, unity and workers’ power together. Here are the latest updates on our work to support workers and promote labor justice that we don’t want you to miss.


No NPO Bill Movement : All people are united!, Protect the rights and freedom of association

On 30 May, the JELI team joined the protest in front of the UN’s building demanding the government to withdraw the Draft Act on the Operations of Nonprofit Organization (NPO Law) that is trying to restrict people’s right to freedom of association. In this movement, The representatives of gig workers such as platform-based domestic cleaner and Freedom Rider Union (FRU) raised the importance of the right to freedom association as it allows workers to collectively bargain for their better working conditions. Stop the NCPO’s remnant, Stop the NPO Bill!
Workshop And Training
Seminar for launching The Manual of Organizing and Building Workers’ power

On 21 May, the JELI team joined the seminar held by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thailand (FES) and Thai Labor Museum to launch the Manual of Organizing and Building Workers’ power written by Sakdina Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, a well-known labor academic. This valuable opportunity brought many people who believe in labor rights, freedom of associations and the power of workers from all generations. We can explore this useful manual now.
Seminar for New decade, New normal, safe driving is priority

On 25 May, a JELI team member, Miss Chonthita Kraisrikul, joined the National Academic Seminar as a speaker on the topic of Thailand road safety. Miss Chonthita addressed that the accident of food delivery riders is caused not only from personal behavior, but also from work conditions that encourage riders to drive faster for long hours to earn more income and insurance. She encouraged participants in the seminar to find a solution for the misclassified ‘partners’, and nudged the platform companies to provide universal insurance and resting points for riders.